
Thursday 5 January 2017

Meet the Illustrator: Belladonna Raudvee

Describe your illustration style in ten words or less.
Intricate mark making on bold and colourful designs.

What items are an essential part of your creative space?
A 01 tipped black fineliner, hotpressed watercolour paper, fine paintbrush and a set of watercolours.

Do you have a favourite artistic medium?
Fineliners are my greatest love. Once a mark is made, it is there to stay. I love the challenge of working with my mistakes.

Name three artists whose work inspires you.
Oh dear, only 3?! My number one long time inspiration is Gabriel Moreno. His use of colour and lines are irresistible to me. Second is Sandra Dieckmann. Lines, colours, patterns and animals. Thirdly is my favourite wildlife photographer, Nick Brandt. Confronting and extremely talented.

Which artistic period would you most like to visit and why?
I would like to travel back to the time of ancient art. Perhaps about 40,000 years ago and experience the creation of movement in images and watch the flames contort the paintings on the cave walls. To be one with art and nature.

Who or what inspired you to become an illustrator?
My love of images. Drawings and photographs.As i got older I would watch my Dad draw and it seemed like magic. I want to create that same feeling in others now.

Can you share a photo of your creative work space or part of the area where you work most often? 

What is your favourite part of the illustration process?
The moment when the illustration suddenly clicks together for me. A certain direction of line or pattern will finally complete that missing something. It is very satisfying and quite a relief.

What advice would you give to an aspiring illustrator?
Learn the rules, follow the rules and only then, break the rules.

Belladonna is an illustrator living along the Batavia Coast of WA, with a deep love of nature, particularly native Australian flora and fauna. She has worked on many projects over the past year, monuments, advertising and murals, yet she still has her heart set on illustrating children's books. See her website for more -