'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Friday 4 February 2011

Review: Lilli Pilli the Frog Princess

Lilli-Pilli is unlike other princesses. A pretty young girl with greeny-gold hair this unlikely heroine has the legs of a frog. Her father, King Nasturtium, is a frog, after all.

But Lilli-Pilli's parents are worried. Who would ever want to marry a half-princess, half-frog?

Queue the Royal Ball and the chance to snaffle a husband by dance-encounter. Difficult when your legs want to hop, not dance... but then, I suppose it all depends on your dance partner...

Despite outward appearances, it's clear that even the oddest of creatures can find the perfect mate - and not only that, live a fulfilling and exciting life.

This simple but imaginative storyline by author Farrer is penned rather like a modern fairytale with florally wordage and rompy characters kids will love. Illustrations by Swan are as delicious as a pink cake, with striking colours and absolutely charming renderings of a circus of fun personalities. I also love the typography layout, which frequently gallops across the page.

[Prince] Charming.

Title: Lilli-Pilli the Frog Princess
Author: Vashti Farrer
Illustrator: Owen Swan
Publisher: Scholastic, $24.99 RRP
Publication Date: December 2010
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781741696202
For ages: 4 - 7
Type: Picture book