'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Saturday 29 October 2011

Review: Surface Tension

“The Day I was born, they drowned my town.”

Cassie, from New Lower Grange is born the day her old town is covered in 15,000 swimming pools' worth of water.

As the city's Centenary comes near and the lake levels drop, Cassie and Liam go swimming in the forbidden part of the lake, piecing together the mystery of the ‘Atlantis’ city.

Why is Liam’s father petrified of the colour red? Why did Cassie's old home that she never lived in get flushed away?

Cassie slowly uncovers these secrets hidden from the least suspicious person of all.

This mysterious book will make you think twice and want to read on.

- this review by Ella, 11

Title: Surface Tension
Author: Meg McKinlay
Publisher: Walker Books, $15.95 RRP
Publication Date: March 2011
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781921720284
For ages: 8+
Type: Novel