'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
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Saturday 7 July 2012

News: Dymocks Book Bonus

Book Bonus is a brand spanking new and very exciting online fundraiser that will help put heaps of brand new books into our schools. Book Bonus gives eager readers the chance to raise funds through sponsorship from family and friends for the books they are reading during the Premier’s Reading Challenge*.

The Dymocks Children’s Charities has worked closely with the lovely PRC team to develop this unique sponsored read where children are empowered to help other children across the state develop a love of reading. Book Bonus is endorsed by the Hon Barry O’Farrell, NSW Premier and Patron of Book Bonus.

So what happens to the sponsorship funds?

Well that’s the exciting part. The Dymocks Children’s Charities didn’t want Book Bonus to be another run-of-the-mill fundraiser that is more about ‘the ask’ than the return so we came up with a new way that means everyone is a winner.

All funds raised will be split between the school so they can buy loads of fantastic new books and the Dymocks Children’s Charities, who will use the funds to expand their successful literacy support program, Book Bank, in NSW priority schools. Book Bonus has the potential to put thousands of new books into our schools, helping more children discover the joy reading! The Dymocks Children’s Charities is a very proud partner of the National Year of Reading so it would be amazing if as many students as possible were to get involved with Book Bonus during this exciting year!

How can I help?

Parents, teachers and librarians can all have a part to play in ensuring every child in NSW has access to relevant reading materials so they can have a chance at a better future. Book Bonus provides all the promotional materials you will need to get the word out to your kids about the campaign. How about mentioning Book Bonus during Storytime? Ask your junior members if they have heard about Book Bonus.

School P and C committees can look out for Book Bonus at the upcoming Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of NSW Conference in July.

Through Book Bonus we want to show kids that even a contribution that may seem small at first can go on to be a part of something much greater. If a student receives a $1 or $1,000 donation, each has its part to play in inspiring kids to read, just for fun!

I want to get involved!

Excellent! Students register using their DET details via the Premier’s Reading Challenge logon page. Once parental permission is obtained they are ready to rock! All the online tools students need to send sponsorship requests and keep track of fundraising are provided on their unique page on the Book Bonus website so there really is very little else to do other than keep on reading!

If you would like a Book Bonus pack, just contact the team using the details below and one will be sent out to you faster than you can say “I want to bag a Book Bonus!”

I want to know more!

To find out more please check out the website, www.bookbonus.org.au, it’s chock-full of useful information for kids, teachers, librarians and parents!

Still have questions? Contact the friendly team:

T: 02 9224 0555 E: bookbonus@dymockschildrenscharities.org.au

*DCC plan to expand Book Bonus to other states. Contact DCC for more information.

Written by the very lovely,
Miriam Taber
Campaign Co-ordinator, Book Bonus
Dymocks Children’s Charities