'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Monday 4 August 2014

Review: Baby says … NO!

Love a good board book, especially when they think outside the square, and this gorgeous new creation (along with its sister book, Baby Says … Uh oh!) by Alisa Coburn ticks all the right boxes.

Divine, retro-inspired illustrations. Tick. Fabulous typefacing. Tick. Clever concept. Tick. High production values including lightly-padded front cover. Tick. Lovely smooth, shiny pages with rounded corners for little hands to smooth over. Tick. Contemporary mores. Tick. Humour. Tick tick tick.

Baby likes to say no. When mum asks baby to hand back her mobile phone and swap it for a talking toy phone, baby says no. When mum lays showcase a range of fabulous fashion ensembles for the day, baby says no. When mum comes up with a fine gourmet selection of lunchtime choices, baby says no.

No no no no no! No to cuddles, no to big sister, no to sharing, hats, shoes, socks and sunscreen. What could possibly tempt this wee poppet into a yes?

Charming, cute and clever, this is a book little ones will simply adore, and mum, dad and big sister will get a fine giggle out of, too.

Title: Baby says … NO!
Author: Alisa Coburn
Illustrator: Alisa Coburn
Publisher: Chirpy Bird, $12.95 RRP
Publication Date: 1 August 2014
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9781760121556
For ages: 0 - 2
Type: Board Book, Picture Book