'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Monday 17 November 2014

Review: Up Down

By now, you should be well aware of how much I love the Total Package when it comes to baby books and toddler books.

By Total Package, I mean a clever concept, high production values and of course, beautiful illustrations.

Herewith: Up Down. Total Package.

Featuring animals from snow-capped regions, we first meet some seals--a mum, dad and baby. Baby is BELOW the parents, but hey presto! One swipe upwards of the cardboard page and our little cutie is first BESIDE then ABOVE!

Next is a clutch of fish in seaweed. Pull the card page out and our little orange friend is no longer INSIDE the seaweed, but THROUGH, then OUTSIDE!

And on we go through jellyfish, turtles and polar bears, all maneuvering into position: IN FRONT OF, BETWEEN, BEHIND, UP, DOWN, ACROSS ... you get the picture. And so will your toddler!

Lusciously vibrant illustrations full of visual texture are enormously enjoyable, and round out a gorgeous bookish treat for wee ones keep to get a hold on their spatial skills.

Title: Up Down
Author: Corina Fletcher
Illustrator: Natalie Marshall
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, $14.99 RRP
Publication Date: 1 September 2014
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9781471119248
For ages: 0 - 3
Type: Board Book, Toddler Book