Words and pages, illustrations
Off and away with your imaginations
Thoughts and pictures from your wildest dreams
Nothing is strange in a book it seems
Polka dot elephants dancing a jig
Talking lady birds and a crowned King pig
A treehouse so high it kisses the sun
Tangling vines with nipping bugs, what fun!
Swimming with sharks, mermaids and piranhas
Dancing wearing invisible pyjamas
A magic wand to erase all your fears
Discovering treasures hidden for years
Words and pages, illustrations
Off and away with your imaginations
Open one wide and leap inside
Be swept away on a fantastical ride
Burping out butterflies, farting out flowers
Eating boogers that give super powers
Sailing deep seas on a raft of spaghetti
Tea parties with monsters you won’t be forgetting
Oodles of puppies, trillions of kittens
A walk with a gator, try not to get bitten
Talking in gibberish, munching on worms
Licking your fingers, forget about germs
Words and pages, illustrations
Off and away with your imaginations
Anything is possible, the absurd becomes real
Open a book, immerse yourself in the surreal
Today you’re a princess ruling the stars
Yesterday a toad strumming a guitar
Tomorrow a leaf drifting on the breeze
Or a snot-nosed hippo that does nothing but sneeze
A sad, broken car, a busy buzzing bee
A train shooting down a hill shouting, ‘You can’t catch me!’
A doctor, a dentist, a lawyer holding court
Blasting off in your spaceship, now an astronaut
Words and pages, illustrations
Off and away with your imaginations
Opening pages and drifting far away
A couple of words and you’re now worlds away
Open a book
Close your eyes
With words in your head
And pictures to guide
Shoot off on a magical imagination ride
Words and pages, illustrations
Remember to pack your imaginations!
Natasha Rowland is a creative person; writing, art and music keep her sane. Her children, the creatures living about her house and snippets of conversations are her inspiration resources. In September 2014 she received a 2nd placing and highly commended from the USQ Creative Writing on Country competition, then in October had her first short story, 'Hungry Waves', selected by KBR. Fingers crossed there'll be a third.
KBR Short Stories are a way to get your work ‘out there’—and to delight our KBR readers. Stories are set to a monthly theme and entries are due in the 25th of each month. Find out more here.