'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Monday 5 October 2015

#LoveOzYA October Update with Fleur Ferris

To support the #LoveOzYA initiative, each month Kids' Book Review will ask an Australian YA author to share their favourite Australian young adult titles - what they are reading, what they've read and what books are on their TBR pile. We'll also include a list of Australian author YA new releases for the month. Our guest author for October is Fleur Ferris, author of Risk.

What are you currently reading?
TheIntern by Gabrielle Tozer

What are your recent OzYA favourites?
Pieces of Sky by Trinity Doyle 
Every Move by Ellie Marney
Cooper Bartholomew is Dead by Rebecca James 
The Pause by John Larkin

What 5 OzYA titles are currently in your TBR pile?
Two Wolves by Tristan Bancks
One True Thing by Nicole Hayes
Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar
The First Third by Will Kostakis 
Inbetween Days by Vikki Wakefield 

What advice would you give to aspiring YA authors?
Do courses to help improve your craft.
Read widely. 
Write regularly. 
Have your work critiqued, critique the work of others.  

Can you tell us a little bit about your current writing project?
I've just finished a round of edits for a contemporary YA novel that is set in Melbourne. It's a confronting and intense story where nothing is what it seems and it makes you wonder if sometimes living a lie is better than knowing the truth.

Visit Fleur Ferris' website for more information about her books and author events.

October YA New Releases