I’ve always been kind of scared of cats, especially their claws! But I’ve been so brave over the last few months and trapped some wild and stray cats (super scary stuff!) so they could be taken to the vet and be checked over before being released again.
2. What is your nickname?
I don’t have one! But my name is kind of hard to say so lots of people get it wrong. It’s pronounced “SO”-“RAY”-“A” so it’s actually pretty easy to say once you know that.
3. What is your greatest fear?
Having bugs crawl all over me!
4. Describe your writing style in ten words.
Fast, fun, full of adventure, about animals, and friendship focused.
5. Tell us five positive words that describe you as a writer.
Passionate, Excited, Happy, Dedicated, Determined.
6. What book character would you be, and why?
I would be someone like Poppy, one of the main characters in Starlight Stables. She’s a great friend, loves going on adventures, she cares about animals, and she loves her family.
7. If you could time travel, what year would you go to and why?
Oooh, that’s a good question! I think I’d go into the future, maybe 100 years from now to see what the world looked like.
8. What would your ten-year-old self say to you now?
She would tell me how awesome it is that I live on a farm with so many animals! It’s what I always wanted as a girl, to have horses and dogs and other animals all around me.
9. Who is your greatest influence?
My entire family. They are so supportive and loving, and that has influenced who I am as a person and as an author. I was also lucky to have some amazing teachers growing up, and they encouraged me to write and always believed in me.
10. What/who made you start writing?
I’ve always loved reading and writing. I grew up reading The Saddle Club and The Babysitter’s Club, and those stories made me want to become an author myself. I’ve been writing stories since I was about 10 years old, and I can’t ever imagine not writing.
11. What is your favourite word and why?
Hmmm… that’s tough. Awesome. I’ll choose “awesome” because it’s something I’ve been saying a lot lately!
12. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Impossible! I can’t even think of one to choose because I never read a book a second time even if I love it. If a book is great it just makes me want to go straight out and buy another book that author has written.

Soraya Nicholas is a journalist and author for adults and children from New Zealand. She has recently released the first two books in the Starlight Stables series, Pony Detective and Gymkhana Hijinks. These pony club-focused junior/middle fiction books are published by Penguin. Visit Soraya's website for more information about the Starlight Stables books.
If you are an author or illustrator who thinks they are BRAVE enough to answer our questions,
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