'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Review: Paper and Fire (The Great Library Series #2)

The first book in this series, Ink and Bone, was one of my highlights for 2015, so I couldn't wait to see if that promise continued in Book 2. I'm pleased to say that it does. Rachel Caine is delivering a cracker of a series!

At the end of Book 1, Jess and his friends Glain, Dario and Khalila were back in the Great Library of Alexandria, each assigned a role after surviving their year as postulants. They were still reeling, though, from the death of Thomas and the imprisonment of Morgan (revealed as an Obscurist) in the Iron Tower.

Book 2 continues seamlessly from this point. It's clear that Jess and his friends are being watched. In a world of automatons that can kill on command it's very easy for 'accidents' to happen. They'll need to tread carefully indeed if they're to uncover exactly what secrets the Great Library is hiding.

Once again, I found myself immersed in the world of Alexandria. The plot is complex but entirely believable. Rachel Caine moves her characters with the precision of chess pieces as she takes up the threads of the first book and weaves ever more intriguing patterns. We end, once again, on a knife edge. Suffice to say, I'm now eagerly awaiting Book 3!

You can find out more about the books, view trailers and learn about 'missing' scenes at the series website.

Title: Paper and Fire (The Great Library Series #2)
Author: Rachel Caine
Publisher: Allison & Busby, $16.99
Publication Date: August 2016
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780749017323
For ages: 13+
Type: Young Adult Fiction