'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Monday 12 June 2017

Guest Post: Tania McCartney - Imagine If...

This week, Tania McCartney revisits KBR with a enviable nod at this upcoming event by the National Centre for Australian Children's Literature, Imagine If...Here's what she has to say...

How stunning is this original artwork by Bob Graham? It will be the featured piece in the upcoming Imagine If... exhibition, run by the National Centre for Australian Children's Literature this July/August. I'm already rosy pink at the thought of this priceless peek into the work of our divine Australian book creators.

Bob's image, above, will be raffled to raise funds for the framing of NCACL artwork for future exhibitions. Could you imagine owning it? Gasp.

Bob Graham (image credit: Carolyn Graham)

Running from Monday 10 July to Wednesday 30 August at the University of Canberra, don't miss this glorious opp to immerse yourself in picture book illustration glory. Details on the exhibition, its location at UC and the raffle, can be found here.Yes, you can buy raffle tickets even if you don't live in Canberra, so hop to it and good luck (gasp!).