2016, two-time Newbery Medal winner Kate DiCamillo’s seventh novel, Raymie Nightingale, was published to
overwhelming critical acclaim and debuted as a #1 New York Times
bestseller. The deeply moving book about a summer of discovery and
friendship went on to be a finalist for the US National Book Award for Young
People’s Literature. The Walker Books Group is now announcing an exciting
follow-up novel release by the author.
fans often ask DiCamillo to write more about their favourite characters, she
has never been compelled to revisit the world of a previous novel — until now.
In October 2018, for the first time ever, DiCamillo will return to unravel the
story of Raymie’s friend and beloved ranchero, Louisiana Elefante. In its 2016
review of Raymie Nightingale, the New York Times noted that
Louisiana 'is one of DiCamillo’s most singular and arresting creations' and
that she 'delights on every page.' Fans of Louisiana can look forward to
reading the as-yet-untitled book when it releases next year.
the new book, author Kate DiCamillo says: 'I was getting ready to start on a
project, going through my notebooks and all the phrases and images that I had
written down that I thought might turn into a story. This phrase, ‘I am going
to write it all down, so that you will know what happened to me . . .’ showed
up again and again. And next to it, I had written ‘Louisiana?’ And it
was Louisiana. It was her voice. While I had no intention of writing
another novel about those rancheros, Louisiana’s voice was so strong and
insistent, and her need to tell her story was so profound, that I gave in. And
boy, am I ever glad that I did. I loved spending time with her again.
is also partnering on an illustrated book with cartoonist and
illustrator Harry
Bliss for another new 2018 release, Good Rosie.
The story will explore what it means to be both a dog and a friend.
novels feature such appealing settings and lovable characters that it’s always
hard to say goodbye, so we were overjoyed to learn that it wasn’t yet time to
say goodbye to Louisiana. For readers who already know and love her,
Louisiana’s story will feel like a gift, and those who don’t know her yet are
in for a treat. There’s so much for Kate fans to look forward to in 2018 — it’s
going to be a huge year for her, and we couldn’t be more excited!' said senior
editor Andrea Tompa.
first picture book in ten years, La La La: A Story of Hope is out next month. A nearly wordless picture book –
with gorgeous illustrations by Jaime Kim - Kate
DiCamillo conveys a lonely child’s longing for a friend. With a subtle palette
and captivating expressiveness, Jaime Kim brings to life an endearing character
and a transcendent landscape that invite readers along on an emotionally
satisfying journey.
KateDiCamillo is one of America’s most well-regarded storytellers, author
of The Tale of Despereaux and Flora and Ulysses, both of
which have been awarded the prestigious Newbery Medal; Because of
Winn-Dixie, which received a Newbery Honour; The Miraculous Journey
of Edward Tulane, which won a Boston Globe-Horn Book Award; and
the bestselling Mercy Watson series. Born in Philadelphia, she grew
up in Florida and now lives in Minneapolis, USA, where she faithfully writes
two pages a day, five days a week.