'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Thursday 22 March 2018

Meet the Illustrator: Alex Pick

Describe your illustration style in ten words or less.
Multi-faceted, directly from the heart, inventive, sometimes Disney-esk.

What items are an essential part of your creative space?
My Wacom tablet and stylus are essential to me because they belong to my everyday life and are connected to my hands and brain.  But there always has to be a sketchbook nearby to do some hand-drawn sketches too.

Do you have a favourite artistic medium?
I definitely have to say it's digital, because it totally fits into my life as a character designer and illustrator.  You are able to work super quickly and effectively, but have an awesome range of capabilities.  In Spring and Summer I also love to do some outside sketching in nature - it's like feeding the soul with good energy.

Name three artists whose work inspires you.
Walt Disney, Gustav Klimt and Edwardian Taylor.

Which artistic period would you most like to visit and why?
I would love to visit the times of Art Nouveau and Art Deco because they saw the creation of so many beautiful things in art, architecture and all design.  I love how they were inspired and influenced by nature.
Who or what inspired you to become an illustrator?
Since I can remember holding a pencil, I have been into art.  My grandma often drew with me when I was a child and through the years she encouraged me to follow my talent and dreams.  As a child (and still now) I loved and was inspired by Disney animation, movies like 101 Dalmations and Sleeping Beauty.  Working in the animation industry, which I have been doing now for more than 16 years, has been one of my biggest dreams come true.  The projects I'm working on, my everyday life, drawing challenges I'm taking part in - these all inspire me, but my grandma was my first inspiration.

Can you share a photo of your creative work space or part of the area where you work most often?  Talk us through it.
On my lovely messy desk is where most of my artwork comes to life.  Sketch books, pencils, artist books and other painting and drawing materials surround me all the time.  A huge Mickey Mouse poster (in Art Deco style - I love this combination), and some test-prints and photos are up on the walls around me.  Some tea or coffee beside me is a must.

What is your favourite part of the illustration process?
Oh I don't think I can go with only one, because I love everything about illustrating and creating. Every step gives me chills - finding the idea, scribbling it down and working over it or changing it again and again until it reaches the 'YES THAT'S IT!' point.

What advice would you give to an aspiring illustrator?
I can only say never give up following what you love to do.  Even if you sometimes reach the point of giving up or not knowing how to go further.  There is always a way and if you have it in you, you have to let it out and show it to the world.  Then see and listen and learn and go for it, step by step.  Dream, create, inspire!

After his graduation as a design assistant in 1999, Alex started working for the animation studio Motionworks GmbH.  Since then he has worked for television and cinema as a Character Designer and Art Director.  His projects include 'The Adventures of the Young Marco Polo',  'Princess Lillifee', 'Tilda Apfelkern' and 'Mullewapp - eine schone Schweinerei'.  Alex is currently working on side projects in illustration, and is interested in exploring this field further. 
You can follow Alex on facebook and instagram or visit his website for more information.