Amie joins our illustrious KBR family with a desire to share as many of her favourite children's books with us as she can. When she's not creating her own picture books, she is reading whatever children's story she can get her hands on. We can't wait to see which ones she finds. Look out for her reviews right here, soon.
Welcome Amie!
Please take a moment to discover more about this Aussie illustrator from our nation's capital.
Playful, warm, inquisitive and ever evolving.
What items are an essential part of your creative space?
Often just an iPad, stylus and a cup of tea. When I get the chance, I like it to include a good light source, watercolour paints, many pencils and a couple of inspiring picture books.
Do you have a favourite artistic medium?
Watercolour paints by far, although digital with mixed media is my current medium of choice.
Name three artists whose work inspires you.
It’s so hard to pick only three! It really is ever changing but Laura Wood, Anna Walker and Jess Racklyeft have been inspiring me lately.
Which artistic period would you most like to visit and why?
Honestly I’d like to spend more time visiting the contemporary artistic period! A month of constant art gallery visits maybe - yes I’m dreaming and this could never happen in my current busy life. There is so much art to explore and so much of it is inspired by periods of the past. Also, I think if I went back in time I’d miss my iPad way too much.
Who or what inspired you to become an illustrator?
Myself! My own general love for art, design and children’s books have lead me to illustration.
Can you share a photo of your creative work space or part of the area where you work most often? Talk us through it.
Currently, I work minimally. I often snuggle up on the couch with my iPad but if I’m getting serious I set myself up with my basket of goodies (paints, pencils, brushes etc) and a couple of inspiring picture books in the heart of my home - also known as the kitchen bench.
I do look forward to a time when I have a glorious studio with lots of inspiring artwork and books around me.
What is your favourite part of the illustration process?
I love the whole process, if I have to pinpoint something it might be colours. Nothing beats the feeling of coming up with a good colour combo!
What advice would you give to an aspiring illustrator?
I’d say don’t waste too much time looking at inspiration or references, just get in there and draw. This is also the advice I need to give to myself often.
Experience Amie's reviews right here in the months to come or visit her at:
Website: amiesabadin.com
Instagram: amie.sabadin.illustration