'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
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Wednesday 13 May 2020

Junior Review: The Phantasmic Detective Agency

Leo and Lily Keeler are the 14- and 15-year-old children of a wealthy magician named Edmund. Edmund is cranky and has big expectations for his children, some of which make them feel under pressure. 

Meanwhile their Uncle Alfred is a different matter. He is funny, cheery and owns a paranormal detective agency he calls the ‘Phantasmic Detective Agency’.

On Christmas Eve, Uncle Alfred does his traditional puppet show where he plays, has fun and makes up weird characters. 

But during the play the dangerous Shadow Wolf is accidentally released and Lily and Leo are called to battle the danger alongside their uncle.

Shortly after, Leo and Lily’s parents disappear during their latest magic act.  

Uncle Alfred had sworn to his brother and sister-in-law that he would protect his niece and nephew with his life, and they would be safe with him. Lily and Leo start working at their uncle’s agency as apprentices, and their world is tossed into a vortex of mystery, magick and danger.

After being through so much with their uncle, Lily and Leo finally have what it takes to become spirit detectives.

I love this book because it is my favorite mixture of elements: tension, magic, fantasy, history and adventure. I think that Julian Leatherdale has written this book very well and the words he has used to describe the characters make me feel as if I am in their world. I could feel the tension building throughout the book and loved it as my mind tried to piece together the puzzle. It almost felt like I was one of the characters.

I recommend this book for ages over 9 because of the violence and spookiness. But for any ages older this is the book for you. It can also be read and enjoyed by adults.

Title: The Phantasmic Detective Agency
Author: Julian Leatherdale
Illustrator: David Allan
Publisher: Christmas Press
Publication Date: 1 May 2020
Format: Paperback
For ages: 9+
Type: Middle Fiction