- author Jackie French
Wednesday 7 October 2020
Guest Post: Adam Wallace on School Visits As An Author
Well, this is where the fun begins. Because now it’s time to get kids excited about your book, and excited about reading and writing and drawing and books in general! And so it’s time for … drum roll please … school visits!!!!
I mean, you don’t have to do them, but hopefully after reading this you will see that there are 72 gazillion benefits to an author or illustrator doing school visits. I’m not going to list all of them. Just five. We can chat about the rest.
Here we go then!
Adam Wallace’s Top Five Reasons Why School Visits Are Awesome!1. You get to entertain and inspire children
This is number one for so many reasons. This, for me, is why I write children’s books. It’s about the kids. Yes, lots of other people are involved – writers, illustrators, editors, publishers, book sellers, book buyers, dogs that eat books – but in the end it’s about the kids, and what better way is there to get kids pumped about books and reading than to be in front of them bursting with enthusiasm? I can’t think of any. Bribery, maybe?
School visits are tiring!
If you have self-published, there is a chance there are one or two boxes of books in your house/garage/under your bed/being used as a dining table. The single best way I have found to move books is via school visits. I always give a set of books to the school as a thank you, and then I leave order forms for the children to buy signed copies of the books. Other authors have different methods, but this is the one that has worked best for me.
Over the years I have sold thousands of books to thousands of kids in schools, and it not only moved books out of my bedroom, but also allowed me to be an author and also also started to generate a following and also also also meant kids were reading which is brilliant and awesome!
4. The kids get to meet a real-life author or illustrator
Maybe you’re already their favourite, or maybe they have never heard of you. It doesn’t matter. They get to meet you, ask you questions, hear your stories, create something with you, and get your autograph. Maybe the fact they met you is the one thing that sparks them wanting to read more. Maybe you become their new favourite author. Authors and illustrators in schools get treated like rockstars, because the kids are SO excited!
5. You get to entertain and inspire children
Yes, we already talked about this, but it’s SO important. The more great books and the more great presenters and the more great sessions we do, the more kids love reading and creating and using their brains, and that can only be a great thing for now and future generations. As creators, we can change a child’s life. Seriously. Our books can do it, but we can do it as well, and when you do a school visit, you’re right there in the coalface being an inspiration.
So dig in, and let’s get children pumped about books
If the world of school visits is confusing and strange and overwhelming and the
thought of standing in front of a crowd of kids is terrifying, never fear! School
Visits 101 is a course designed to take all the fear out of school visits. It
covers why to do them, how to get them, how to plan sessions, what to charge, things
you MUST do, tips for in the room, and more. Visit www.thekbcc.com/p/schoolvisits101
for more info and to enrol, and learn from the 20 year journey I’ve been on in
over 500 school visits.
Adam Wallace is a Number 1 New York Times and Amazon bestselling author, part-time golfer, full-time round the house singer, road-tripper, afternoon napper.
Website: www.adam-wallace-books.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/adamwallacebooks
Twitter: @WallysBooks