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Thursday 8 April 2021

Meet The Illustrator: Ramona Davey

: Ramona Davey

Describe your illustration style in ten words or less.
Quite eclectic. Bright, bold, dark, decorative, cute, simple. Hopefully fun.

What items are an essential part of your creative space?
IPad pro and pen, sketchbooks, thousands of pens and pencils.

Do you have a favourite artistic medium?
Digital – because I love the undo button.

Name three artists whose work inspires you.
Each month it changes but right now it is Chris Haughton, Christian Robinson and Jane Massey.

Which artistic period would you most like to visit and why?
The Neolithic, so I can see if the art was representing stories of the time or it was just teenagers spreading graffiti all over their neighbourhood. 

Who or what inspired you to become an illustrator?
Teaching primary students visual art made me realise that I was their role model and it was imperative that I shared my artwork with them including mistakes and artistic accomplishments. Reading picture books with an arty theme inspired me to have a go at illustrating picture books for myself.

Can you share a photo of your creative work space or part of the area where you work most often? Talk us through it.
I like to stand at the high desk when I draw in the day but I often draw at night while in bed as that is when my brain wakes up.

 What is your favourite part of the illustration process?
The finished product as the agony of what to draw, how to draw it and in what style is over.

What advice would you give to an aspiring illustrator?
Start today, not tomorrow.

Ramona is an experienced Visual Arts primary teacher. She also writes and illustrates for children.

For more information, please visit Ramona's website or follow her on instagram