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Wednesday 13 December 2023

Review: Where Are All the Christmas Beetles?

Christmas beetles are returning. It's that time of year. At least it's when they should be visible, but there are not as many of them as there used to be.  

Where Are All the Christmas Beetles? is a narrative non-fiction book that explores the small, mysterious creature that is the Christmas beetle. Did you know they're unique to Australia?

Written in rhyme, Where Are All the Christmas Beetles? will take you through the beetle's life cycle, and make sure you understand the difference between Christmas beetles and other beetles (chafer, dung, stag, and lawn beetles).

The colours and shiny nature of Christmas beetles is part of what aligns them with Christmas, like live decorations.

But where can you find Christmas beetles? 

As you'll discover in the book, they should be under leaves on the ground, up in gum trees, or near lights at night time. It's not as easy to find them as it used to be, though. Perhaps natural events like bushfires and drought have led to the change. But there are things you can do to help.

A diagram, notes, and a glossary at the back of the book provide a useful summary of Christmas beetle information for children and adults.

Where Are All the Christmas Beetles? has been written and beautifully illustrated by Suzanne Houghton. You'll find some Christmas beetle crafts created by Suzanne on her website, including beetle decorations, and a template to design your own beetle. And if you're interested in being a citizen scientist, you can join the Christmas Beetle Count.

Where Are All the Christmas Beetles? is an excellent introduction to the natural world, and will help excite children about insects. A great Christmas present or anytime present.

Title: Where Are All the Christmas Beetles?
Author/Illustrator: Suzanne Houghton
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing, $ 24.95
Publication Date: November 2023
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781486317905
For ages: 5+
Type: Junior Non-Fiction