'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Announcement! New Junior Reviewer

Fear not, you are not seeing double. We are super excited to introduce another new Junior Reviewer into our illustrious KBR family. 

Last week we met the delightful, Elle Freestone. Now it's time to put your hands together for the utterly fearless and fabulous, Asha Freestone. 

Like her sister, Asha will be sharing her enthusiastic love of all things literary with us in the months to come. 

We simply can't wait to read more, Asha! Meanwhile, welcome! Discover more about Asha via her 12 Curlies, below.

1. Tell us something hardly anyone knows about you.

I can recite the alphabet backwards and do multiple chin ups.


2. What is your nickname? 

Ash, Ashy, Buggy Boo and Bug or more recently; Angus and Triple Flamed Angus Beef Burger, plus many more!

3. What is your greatest fear?

 I don’t think I have one! Maybe I’m invincible.


4. Describe your writing style in ten words. 

Conversational, descriptive and with much to say, often quite wordy.


5. Tell us five positive words that describe you as a writer.

Creative, expressive, passionate, multi-layered and invested. 


6. What book character would you be, and why? 

I would be Tris from the Divergent series. She is a selfless, fierce woman who is always up for a challenge. Tris is also stubborn very much like me!


7. If you could time travel, what year would you go to and why?

 I certainly wouldn’t travel forwards in time, so visiting the 1950s and seeing what life was like then would be cool.  


8. What would your ten-year-old self say to you now? 

I turned ten during Covid so she would tell me to enjoy everything that comes my way and to appreciate my freedom and the little things in life. 


9. Who is your greatest influence? 

My parents are definitely a significant influence in my life. Also my close friends and teachers who I spend a lot of time around. 


10. What/who made you start writing? 

My teachers were a major guide to writing short stories. My love for reading books and learning new words also inspired me to write. 


11. What is your favourite word and why? 

Fearless because it presents so much opportunityDon’t hold back, don’t hide, say yes, be fearless. 


12. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be? That’s such a tricky question! If I had to choose, I would probably pick book one of the Inheritance Games Series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. 



Asha has always had a love for books from very young after continuously being read to. She began reciting books from memory until she quickly learnt how to read competently and developed a love for words everywhere - cereal boxes, packages, signs, anything with lettersHer endless appetite for literature sees her devouring multiple novels a weekWhen she doesn’t have her nose in a book, she can be found drawing, making macrame pieces or playing basketball. 

Follow Asha on Instagram.