'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
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Monday, 3 February 2025

Review: The Hullabaloo About Elephant Poo

Somewhere, in the recesses of my memory, I recall the ancient use of animal poo for building dwellings and being burnt as fuel for heat. 

But I don’t ever remember there being such a hullabaloo about its multitude of uses. Until The Hullabaloo About Elephant Poo kersplatted onto my desk.

If you are in any doubt as to the sensationally sustainable qualities of elephant poo, look no further than this humorous homage to an elephant’s busy behind.

Renowned author, Dee White escorts readers through a giddy roundup all things great and glorious about the waste product of the largest mammal on earth. Facts and figures come fast and furious. Faster in fact than it takes for elephant poo to hit the ground! From how much they deposit daily to the number of times they need to do so.

Once the facetious faecal introductions are out the way, things get even more interesting and slightly unbelievable. Did you know, for instance, that coffee beans extracted from elephant poo make a divine robust cuppa?

But it’s not just humankind that benefit from elephant butt buns (author’s own pun). Our gardens, building materials, creative infrastructure (paper, notebooks, picture frames and more) owe their unique manufacture to the pulping of elephant poo. Yes, it seems the utilisation of such a seemingly non-utilitarian by-product is as far reaching as it is fascinating.

And that is the gift within this unique picture book; illumination enveloped in entertainment. Any other book crammed with this many (true) facts would be deemed a foray into non-fiction. Not so Hullabaloo… which is simply a jolly good time.

This jolliness is amped by Nielsen’s bold and beautiful illustrations. Vibrant, vivacious, (and violet – the colour of true picture book heroes), poo is portrayed in all its perfectness on practically every page. Fitting when the whole theme centres on that which we normally turn our noses up at. Oh, and by the way, elephant poo carries very little offensive odour. What’s not to love!

Ten out of ten for originality, whooshing rhyme, and perfect pictures. Extra points for fabulous fun facts. Bonus points for the most engaging endpapers ever! Just read it. Poo + kids = fun. Clever little bunnies ellies.

Title:  The Hullabaloo About Elephant Poo
Author:  Dee White
Illustrator:  Christopher Nielsen
Publisher:  HarperCollins Australia, $24.99
Publication Date:  4 December 2025
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781460766194
For ages:  3+
Type:  Picture Book