'The best books, reviewed with insight and charm, but without compromise.'
- author Jackie French

Friday 7 October 2011

Review: Crow Country

Sadie Hazzard is new to the town of Boort, forced there by her single mother, Ellie. At first Boort appears to be the typical sleepy, quiet country town, but there is a deep dark secret that the town holds connected with the earlier locals of the township, heroes from the First World War.

Within initial investigation of her new hometown, Sadie stumbles across a sacred place, associated with the custodians of the land, and Waa the Crow.

Throughout her journey, Sadie develops an almost sixth sense, where she is able to communicate with the cryptic-speaking crow, and at any given moment slip back in time. During these time slips, Sadie slowly unravels the tragic events of the past, the undoing of the Clever Man, and the sad truth that her ancestors were linked to a terrible crime.

Sadie needs to find a way to return lost belongings, and right what is wrong before history repeats itself.

I really enjoyed this story, and could hardly put the book down. Although, embedded in fantasy, it does have a real-life outlook on a number of highly relevant issues at present. Such issues are the ongoing struggle Indigenous people face with land rights, and the need for recognition of sacred sites, as well as prejudice views still held by people within society. These matters are highlighted throughout the book within the resolute and believable characters, and are not forced upon the reader, but necessary to the plot, providing an insight into Indigenous lore.

I highly recommend this book, and look forward to accessing more of Kate Constable’s work!

Review by Bree Sherd

Title: Crow Country
Author/Illustrator: Kate Constable
Publisher: Allen & Unwin, $15.99
Publication Date: September 2011
Format: Paperback, 252pp
ISBN: 9781742373959
For ages: Young Adult
Type: Children’s Fiction