After the Lights Go Out by Lili Wilkinson, $19.99, Allen & Unwin, 9781760297299, #LoveOzYA

Jane Doe and the Cradle of All Worlds by Jeremy Lachlan, $19.99, Hardie Grant Egmont, 9781760501815, #LoveOzYA

Catching Teller Crow by Ambelin Kwaymullina and Ezekiel Kwaymullina, $19.99, Allen & Unwin, 9781760631628, #LoveOzYA

Darius The Great Is Not Okay by Adib Khorram, $27.99, Dial Books, 9780525552963

I Am Out With Lanterns by Emily Gale, $17.99, Random House, 9780143782766

Mirage (Mirage Book #1) by Somayia Daud, $19.99, Hodder & Stoughton, 9781473672635