Feeling smothered by both his mother and sister who
still treat him like a baby – Henry sets out to prove them wrong.
When his annual trip to visit his father in
Singapore is cancelled, Henry decides he is still going regardless. Besides
it’s not like anyone will actually miss him?
Henry’s so called best friend has found new friends,
leaving him alone. His sister is totally distracted and his mother only notices
when things are not done properly around the house.
Starting an anonymous blog called ‘Fly on the
Wall’, Henry publishes his tales of woes for the world to see – but will
they really see him and stop his audacious plan?
Henry puts into motion a ridiculous and intricate plan that should never work, but with a lot of luck, ingenuity and laughs it could just come off. The distractions and decoys that allow him to get to the airport, the trials he goes through to make the plane and the stories he tells to reassure the adults he is where he should be all add to the comedic timing of the story.
Feeling invisible, rejected by his family and
friends, author and illustrator Remy Lai has tapped into Henry’s insecurities
and showcases them in his drawings that feature throughout the story. Henry’s
battles and the angst he suffers due to his coming of age and cultural
background will engage and resonate with the reader.
The truth of the matter is you may think that nobody will miss you, but that is never true regardless of what you may think.
Title: Fly On The WallAuthor/Illustrator: Remy Lai
Publisher: Walker Books, $19.99
Publication Date: 15 September 2020
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781760652654
For ages: 8 - 12