Part 2 of my Australia Day book recommendations focuses on junior fiction and middle fiction including poetry. KBR reviews are linked in the book titles where possible. I’d love for you to share your ‘must read’ Australian junior fiction and middle fiction books in the comments.

Deadly D & Justice Jones: Making the Team by Scott Prince and Dave Hartley (Magabala Books)
Deadly D & Justice Jones: Rising Star by Scott Prince and Dave Hartley (Magabala Books)

Weirdo #2: Even Weirder! by Anh Do (Scholastic)
Weirdo #3: Extra Weird! by Anh Do (Scholastic)
Weirdo #4: Super Weird! by Anh Do (Scholastic)
Weirdo #5: Totally Weird! by Anh Do (Scholastic)

Thai-Riffic! by Oliver Phommavanh (Penguin)
Thai-No-Mite! by Oliver Phommavanh (Penguin)

Our Australian Girl series. Each girl in the series is featured over four books written by the same author.
Our Australian Girl: Grace by Sofie Laguna (Scholastic)
Our Australian Girl: Letty by Alison Lloyd (Scholastic)
Our Australian Girl: Poppy by Gabrielle Wang (Scholastic)
Our Australian Girl: Rose by Sherryl Clark (Scholastic)
Our Australian Girl: Nellie by Penny Matthews (Scholastic)
Our Australian Girl: Alice by Davina Bell (Scholastic)
Our Australian Girl: Lina by Sally Rippin (Scholastic)
Our Australian Girl: Ruby by Penny Matthews (Scholastic)
Our Australian Girl: Pearlie by Gabrielle Wang (Scholastic)
Our Australian Girl: Daisy by Michelle Hamer (Scholastic)

The Parfizz Pitch by Kate Hunter (UQP)
The Blade Brief by Kate Hunter (UQP)
The Crunch Campaign by Kate Hunter (UQP)
The Camel Who Crossed Australia by Jackie French (HarperCollins)
Dingo: The Dog Who Conquered a Continent by Jackie French (HarperCollins)
The Horse Who Bit a Bushranger by Jackie French (HarperCollins)

Kerenza: A New Australian by Rosanne Hawke (Scholastic)

Do You Dare? 1841 The Bushranger's Boys by Alison Lloyd (Penguin)
Do You Dare? 1844 The Last Horse Race by James Moloney (Penguin)
Do You Dare? 1854 Eureka Boys by Penny Matthews (Penguin)
Do You Dare? 1915 Jimmy's War by Sherryl Clark (Penguin)
Do You Dare? 1931 Tough Times by Simon Mitchell (Penguin)

The Forgotten Pearl by Belinda Murrell (Random House)
The River Charm by Belinda Murrell (Random House)
The Lost Sapphire by Belinda Murrell (Random House)
The Sequin Star by Belinda Murrell (Random House)
The Ruby Talisman by Belinda Murrell (Random House)
The Locket of Dreams by Belinda Murrell (Random House)